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Laptop Writing

Ad-hoc Support

£35 per hour


No commitment, pay for support as and when you need it, charged at the end of each month.


Please note these hours cannot be guaranteed but deadlines will always try to be accommodated as much as possible.

I can be flexible according to your business needs and create a bespoke package for you. All time worked is tracked via an online tracking system and a time report is sent to you with your invoice. Payment via bank transfer is required within 7 days of the invoice being issued.

Retainer Support

£30 per hour​


Retainer packages are a pre-paid set amount of hours per month to guarantee allocated time for your tasks and help manage your budget.  It gives you the peace of mind that you have my time blocked in advance each month. Ahead of time I will always let you know if you are getting close to using up your retained hours.

The minimum amount of retainer hours per month is 5 and time cannot be carried over to the next month.


  • 10 hours per month - £300

  • 20 hours per month - £600

  • 30 hours per month - £900

  • Monthly payment in advance

  • All payments due within 7 days of receipt of invoice

  • Priority given to retained hours


Inbox detox



Is your inbox full of hundreds, if not, thousands of emails? ​ Do you feel you don't have enough time to keep up with them? ​ Would you like to get your inbox down to almost zero?


If your inbox could use some reorganisation, this package is ideal for you.


  • Create labels and folders to sort and file incoming emails.

  • Set rules and filters to semi-automate email filing.

  • Sort and file existing emails into their new labels and folders.

  • Archive old emails based on an agreed-upon cut-off date.

  • Manage email subscriptions to reduce spam.

  • Add any missing events or meetings to your Calendar.


*(anything over 4 hours charged at £35 per hour).

Email Management

£600 per month*


This is an ongoing service ensuring your inbox is kept on top of, that emails are flagged and actioned where appropriate.


  • Check inbox twice per day (am and pm), Monday to Friday

  • Tag important emails for your attention

  • Delete spam emails and emails in junk folder

  • Unsubscribe from unwanted emails

  • Deal with queries (if required) on your behalf using pre-agreed response wording

  • Keep emails organised using filing and folder system to keep inbox clear


* (any hours over this charged at £35 per hour)

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